Aftercare and What to Know
Kera Link Extensions - Kera-Link is a natural fusion method. Kera-Link Hair Extensions are bonded to the hair using a strand by strand method. This allows for 360 degrees of natural hair movement. This method of installation is perfect for all hairdos, whether you choose to wear your hair up or down. Made with 100% Remy human hair, it can be colored curled etc. This Method can last 3-6 months and can be used to add volume and/or length!
Tape-In and Clip-In Hair Extensions- These methods use wefts of hair which are installed either by clips, tapes or glue. Clip-In’s are for one day wear, throw them in for an event and take them out at the end of the day. Tape-In’s use medical grade adhesive and can last 6-8 weeks this hair can be reused 1-3 times depending on how well they are kept.
Aftercare - Use a wet brush or extension brush so it wont catch on the bonds. Brush gently ends to roots, before wetting hair. Avoid salty or chlorinated water. Apply any oils, conditioners and leave-ins mid shaft and ends, avoid the bonds. Try not to wash too often, you may use dry shampoo (Redken’s Invisible Dry Shampoo, Redken’s Deep Clean Dry Shampoo) to extend time between washes. Hard water may deteriorate bonds or lessen the condition of the hair. Just like your natural hair, always use a heat protectant (Redken’s Iron Works/ Quick Blowout/ Big Blowout) before any hot tools or blow drying and avoid intense heats on the bonds. Consult with your stylist about any coloring, toning or tinting of extensions.
Fashion Colors
What is the process like? In order to achieve bright vibrant colors your hair must be lightened first (i.e. bleach) the darker your hair is the more it will have to be lightened depending on the color you wish to achieve. (Pastels are the hardest to achieve and to keep and may take a couple sessions to get the brightness you want). These are semi permanent colors that will slowly fade out over time after each wash. So keep in mind you may be returning every few weeks to refresh your vibrant color. Some colors, and darker shades, will last longer and may stick in the hair until lifted out or cut off. Because they are semi permanent they will need to be refreshed to keep their brightness.
Aftercare - Avoid washing your hair for at least 24 hours after your appointment. Use Sulfate free shampoo on fashion colors as to keep the vibrancy and reduce quicker fade out (Redken’s Magnetics Shampoo and Conditioner). The colder the better! Warm water opens up the cuticle and aides in fading your color out faster (Hard water can also strip the color faster). In addition, cut back on how often you wash your hair, dry shampoo (Redken’s Invisible Dry Shampoo, Redken’s Deep Clean Dry Shampoo) is your new BFF. Heat and UV protectants should always be used while in direct sunlight or using hot tools (Redken’s One United, Redken’s Iron Works/ Big Blowout/ Quick Blowout). Ocean’s, pools and hot tubs will also pull your your fashion color rapidly. Keep in mind everyone’s hair is different and can fade at different rates, each time the fashion color is reapplied it will stick a little better each time.
Haircolor and Toning
What is Haircolor? At The Artistry 2020 NJ we use Redken’s color line. There are many different lines within Redken which we use to customize your color to help you reach your hair goals. Weather its gray coverage, refreshing or mixing it up we have you covered. This color line is known for using low or no ammonia to maintain the integrity of your hair for luscious locks.
What is toning? Toner works to change your hair’s undertone. It won’t completely alter the color of your hair, but it will help you manipulate the shade of your blonde or lightened locks. In a nutshell, toner will neutralize unwanted warm or brassy tones to help you achieve a shinier, healthier, more natural-looking shade. Toners will last about 4-6 weeks, darker toners can last up to about 8 weeks.
Aftercare- It’s always recommended to use sulfate free or color safe shampoo. Most of Redken’s shampoo and conditioner lines can be used on colored hair, consult with you stylist to find which system works best for you. We always recommend using heat protectant (Redken’s Iron Works/ Big Blowout/ Quick Blowout) before any hot tools and blow drying. Another one of our go to products for colored or even non colored hair is Redken’s One United, its a fantastic leave in conditioner that is in a spray bottle so you can apply just what you need weather you have thinner or thicker hair, it will condition, protect and reduce frizz.
Keratin Treatments
What is it? Keratin is the main protein found in your hair, skin and nails. A Keratin smoothing treatment works by sealing the hair cuticle with a layer of protein that eliminates frizz, while adding softness and shine. This will give you smoother more manageable hair and help beat the humidity. This usually last 3-6 months.
Aftercare - Try to avoid washing your hair or tying it back for 24 hours after your treatment unless otherwise told by your stylist. Use a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner (Redken’s Magnetics Shampoo and Conditioner) . Avoid harsh waters like the ocean, pools and hot tubs as the chemicals and salts can strip the treatment out quicker. Avoid clarifying shampoos as this can lessen the longevity of your treatment. Try to avoid washing daily as this can also wash out the treatment faster. Silk pillowcases also help reduce frizz (and is great for your skin as well!)